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En ACCIO Engineering we know that it is always possible to increase the process efficiency or to reduce losses/costs.

And, uccessful results are guaranteed and optimal decisions are calculated (and verified) by a computer simulation platform.

We make mathematics work for you!
optimización industrial
Optimization and Industrial Automatization
Hablemos de optimización

From an industrial point of view, optimizing means to reach the maximum operational efficiency using the most effective resources allocation (time, cost and manpower).

A production increase using the same infrastructure, or a manufacturing costs decrease, allows:

  • Income increases.
  • Competitive advantages in the market.
  • • Healthy way to capacity growth.

Incremente sus ventas
¿Usted ya optimiza?

Actually, many companies do optimize using continuous improvement process or another methodology. However , their results are almost irrelevant and the methods have some potential drawbacks:

  • Usually, they are slows, since the results are only observed once the production cycle is accomplished, and
  • They are expensives: the achievement of the results is not always guaranteed, while the product quality could be even compromised.

But, is there an easier or more intuitive way to optimize?

Unfortunately the answer is NO, this  can be turned into a vcompetitive advantagea that you”ll obtain if you choose our optimization services.

¿Usted ya optimiza?

Hablemos de optimización

In order to guaranty the success of an optimization study, it’s necessary:

Matemáticas en accio
  • To know the process deeply, involving as many critical variables as possible:
    1. Sales projections.
    2. Process and product specifications.
    3. Quality policies.
    4. Maintenance frequencies.
    5. Installed equipment characteristics.
    6. Detailed information about projects to be performed like innovations in products, equipments and processes.
  • To compute innumerable production schedules (which fulfill all the production requirements) with different resources allocation.
  • To select the optimum solution among all these potential scenarios.
In fact, the optimal solution is impossible to compute without vanguard mathematical methods or faster computer processors. In ACCIO, we used advanced solutions leaded by simulators-based optimization methods to calculate the optimal resources allocation, where:
  • Our clients specify the optimization criteria.
  • We design the mathematical model which reproduces the process behavior in a simulaton system.
  • Using the process simulator and an advanced optimization software, the optimal resources allocation are computed and selected after thousands of calculations.